
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics

Our School activities span pure mathematics, applied mathematics, financial mathematics and statistics. Our graduates are in demand across all industries ranging from finance to defence and security to the health care sector. Take your interest in maths and learn mathematical and statistical models to analyse and forecast results in economics, finance, medicine and industrial processes from internationally recognised and engaged academic staff.

Meet our researchers: Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie

Noel Cressie is Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, he is Director of the Centre for Environmental Informatics in the National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), and he is Professor of Statistics in the School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics.

Learn more about the Centre for Environmental Informatics
Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie

5 stars

UOW postgraduate Science and Mathematics received a 5-star rating for both skills development and learning resources.

The Good Universities Guide 2023